Student Activity Fee Allocations Report:

This report shows all the student activity fee allocations by USG - which are approved by the Student Activity Fee Committee, composed of both students and staff. 

For more information about the Student Activity Fee - please visit Student Activity Fee.

- Fiscal Year 24

Student Organization Budget Requests:

This is a detailed report on all the funding requests from student organizations received by both USG and GPSG. "Only the "approved" items under the USG process listed in the file below received funding." They only received funding at the "adjusted amount." This document is updated approximately every two weeks during the fall and spring semesters, as budgets are reviewed every two weeks. Any questions about what money was specifically allocated for can be directed to the Finance Chair Katie Meredith or the Director of Finance Jack Carrell, as these details cannot be exported from the Engage budgeting system.

2023-2024 School Year

USG Operational Budget Report:

This is the budget USG uses to pay for recurring costs. Some examples of our recurring payments include stipends, services such as the USG Airport Shuttle, collaborations with the Office of the Dean of Students, and venue fees for our weekly senate meetings.

Fiscal Year 24

Operation Budget 24

For more information about historical funding documents please visit our Historical Funding Reports page. 

USG Contingency Reserve Account

This account absorbs all unspent student organization funding (SABAC) from previous years. This account then serves to provide additional support for USG accounts and ongoing initiatives. 

2023-2024 School Year