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Funding Opportunities:
- Green Initiatives Fund
- OrgTIP$
- Campus Events Funding
- Associated Residence Halls Funding
- Accessibility Fund
- Late Night Programs Funding
Green Initiatives Fund
The Green Initiatives Fund or GIF is a grant offered through USG and GPSG for student projects that overall promote sustainable green practices and outcomes. This fund will focus on funding for class projects/research, individual student sustainability initiatives, and student organization events that directly tie to promoting sustainability and environmentalism.
General Process
- Hosting a green event? Please check our Green Events Guide, and the Office of Sustainability and the Environment’s Zero Waste Guide before applying.
- Before applying please read our GIF Bylaws to see if you are eligible for funding, and to help guide your application process
- If you think you may be eligible for Green Initiative Funding, see the application here.
- The Green Initiatives Fund Committee with meet regularly to award funds to students or student organizations. The application can be submitted at a continuing basis. If all required sections of the application are not filled out, the form will not be reviewed.
- When funds are awarded the GIF committee will send the recipient an award letter through email. The Student Organization Business Office will be aware of this email and of the recipient’s permission to use the funds.
- 6. After the recipient spends the funds, they need to fill out the University of Iowa Green Initiatives Fund 2023-2024 Evaluation Report and send this form to the GIF Committee Chair: Marco Morel ( This will allow USG to authorize the reimbursements SOBO provides from the GIF account. GIF Funding will not be dispersed if the proper paperwork and receipts are not turned in within 2 weeks after the money is spent.
Past Projects Include:
- Milk Weed Planting on the Westside of Campus
- Sustainability Conference Attendance
- Programming for the Culinary Ride
- Sustainable Clothing Magazine
- Garden at Lakeside Laboratory
- Solar Car Competition
Having compostable materials at your Green Event? Check out this guide to help you compost properly. Please send questions to USG Director of Sustainability, Delaney Behning (
The Student Leader Training Incentive Program encourages student leaders to be more informed on the issues of diversity and inclusion, sexual assault prevention, and mental health and wellness by participating in trainings offered through various programs and departments on campus. Find more information here.
Campus Events Funding
The purpose of the Campus Events Funding Program is to support and encourage student programming, provide funding for student-planned events, and provide marketing support for student-planned events. For more information, visit their website.
Associated Residence Hall Funding
Associated Residence Halls can provide additional funding for your on-campus event. Find more information here.
Accessibility Fund:
USG has funds set aside to make student organizations more accessible to students. If you are in need of funds to provide a disability accommodation please contact the Director of Finance, Thomas Knudsen ( or find more information here.
Late Night Programs Funding:
Late Night Programs are any student organization-hosted event held on a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday night that cover the hours of 10pm-12am. Events can happen on- or off-campus, and must be open to the campus community. The purpose of Late Night Programs is to promote the health, well-being and safety of students by providing opportunities to engage with others and build community in an environment without alcohol.
For more information, see their website.
The BRIDGE Fund (Building Relationships, Inspiring Diverse Growth, and Enriching Campus) is an initiative aimed at supporting student organizations in hosting events, attending conferences, and creating opportunities that foster cultural learning and relationship-building across diverse identities.
Managed by the Justice & Equity Committee, the fund provides up to $15,000 annually to eligible student organizations demonstrating financial need. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis through this link. Examples of funded events include cultural food tastings, listening sessions for underrepresented students, and inclusive group activities. Find more information here.