Running for an election is one of the ways to get involved in USG.

The Elections Commissioner is responsible for administering USG elections. This year, Boris Miller ( serves as the Elections Commissioner. Boris will ensure that the USG elections are administered fairly, and will be a valuable resource for anyone who wishes to run. Please reach out with any questions through email. 

If you are interested in running for student government, you MUST attend a candidate interest meeting. The three candidate interest meetings are listed 

Candidate Interest Meeting Dates: Jan. 26, 31. Feb. 7 from 6-8 in the Academics Room (6-7 Senate Meetings, 7-8 Presidential Meetings)

Petitions due by 11:59 pm on Friday, February 21st to Dean of Students

Approved Candidate Meetings Feb 27th, 29th, and March 1st. The meetings on Feb. 27 and March 1st are in the IMU Native Nations Room 341. The Feb. 29th meeting is in the IMU Academics Room 256.

Campaign Period: March 1st to March 24th

Election Period: March 25th to 27th

Election result certification: March 28th

Elections results announcement: March 29th

Transitional period: March 29th through April 28th

Inauguration: April 27th 3 pm, Old Cap Senate Chambers

Transition Day: April 28th

2024 Election Timeline

Collecting Petition SignaturesFriday, January 26th - Friday, February 21st
CampaigningMonday, March 1st - Sunday, March 24th
President & Vice President Candidate Town HallTBA
VotingMonday, March 25th - Wednesday, March 27th
Certification of ResultsThursday, March 28th
Announcement of ResultsFriday, March 29th


Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa-sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in elections, please contact Boris Miller in advance. If you require a paper petition, deadlines will be extended to be due the following morning at 8 AM. 

Campaign Violations

Violations procedures are outlined in the USG Elections code and will result in demerits. If you believe a violation has happened, please submit it for our review.

Complaint violations are determined by the Elections Committee Board (ECB) by the Student Election Commissioner, the Assistant Student Elections Commissioner, and the Chief Justice. Any party to a complaint can file an appeal. Appeals must be filed within 24 hours of the ECB decision. Appeals must be in writing and no longer than 500 words. Verbal appeals will not be accepted. All appeals are sent to the Student Judicial Court. Submit an appeal here. 

How can I run?

Contains the text "1. President and Vice President - Two people run on an "Executive Ticket" and create a campaign together"

President and Vice President

Two people run on an "Executive Ticket" and create a campaign together.

2. Senator Ticket - Up to twenty people create a campaign together

Senator Ticket

Up to 20 people create a campaign together.

Contains the text "3. Independent Senator - Run independently- At least seven seats must be filled by independent senators"

Independent Senator

Run independently. at least 7 seats must be filled by independent senators.

4. Constituency Senator - Run independently for any of the eight constituencies - Constituency Senators are elected by the constituency they represent. International, black, disability, Latinx, LGBTQ+, Asian Pacific Islander, Veteran, Native American

Constituency Senator

Run independently for any of the 8 constituencies. Constituency Senators are elected by the constituency they represent.