University of Iowa Student Government (UISG) is looking for hard-working, committed undergraduate student leaders to apply for First-Year or At-Large Senator positions. There are five seats reserved for incoming first-years and five seats reserved for students who have been at Iowa for at least one semester. Students will be selected through an application and interview process to represent over 24,000 undergraduate students at the University of Iowa.
UISG consists of the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches. Each branch serves a particular purpose in the context of UISG. Senators in the Legislative Branch participate in the Student Senate by attending weekly meetings (Tuesdays at 7:00 PM), working on initiatives to improve our campus, and voicing undergraduate constituent concerns. You will work closely with those who are on the same committees as you, and you can be a part of two of the following committees: Academic Affairs, Community & Outreach, Diversity, Governmental Relations, Internal Affairs, Safety, Student Assembly Budgeting and Allocating Committee (SABAC), Student Life, and Sustainability.
Important dates to remember when applying for UISG:
September 1st at 5 PM: Applications are due
September 8th, 10th, or 11th: Interviews will take place
September 12th: New senators come to their first meeting
September 16th and 17th: UISG Retreat
Interested students may apply by completing the application available here:
Online applications are due September 1 at 5 PM. If you have any questions please contact Mariah Prendergast, UISG Internal Affairs Committee Chair at
Saturday, August 19, 2017