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Run in a USG Election
Each March, University of Iowa Student Government holds elections for the student body to vote in the President, Vice-President, At-Large Senators, Independent Senators, and Constituency Senators. Those running for office are expected to attend a mandatory information session early in the spring. If you have any further questions, please contact the Student Elections Commissioner, Alivia Rosendahl (, or the Assistant Student Elections Commissioner, Boris Miller (

Apply to be a Senator
At the beginning of each fall and spring semester, USG opens applications for vacant Senate positions. These applications are communicated to the Student Body via USG's social media and a mass email. In the fall, applications are available for 5 Freshman Senator positions.
As a Senator, you have the responsibility of representing the undergraduate student body, creating and voting on legislation relevant to student issues, and working on initiatives as a part of the USG committees you sit on.

Apply to be an Executive
Following the conclusion of USG Elections in the spring, applications will be open for Executive Cabinet positions. The Executive positions which you can apply to can be found here. As an Executive, you will work on various initiatives relevant to your position to improve the student experience.

Apply to be a Student Justice
The Student Judicial Court is composed of 7 justices who are appointed either at the start of the administration or at the end of an administration to ensure SJC is its own advisory body. The first rounds of appointments the current President will open an application around the end of their administration and they will appoint 4 justices to serve. The second rounds of appointments will occur when the new administration has been decided by the USG elections, when they will open an application and appoint 3 justices. All Justices will be sworn in on the Inauguration Day with the rest of the Legislative and executive branch.

Collaborate on an Initiative
Are you interested in collaborating on an initiative with USG, or have an idea of your own? Please reach out to us at, and we can put you in touch with the relevant USG member!

Attend or Speak at a Senate Meeting
USG has public Senate Meetings every Tuesday from 7 PM - 10 PM in the IMU’s Black Box Theater during the year. We encourage you to attend our meetings!
Are you an undergraduate student interested in speaking during public access about upcoming legislation, an idea, or concerns you have?