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Inauguration for the elected candidates will be held on April 27th at 3:00 pm in the Old Capitol Building. 


*Note: Senate is comprised of 50 Senators. This includes 26 ticketed, 12 constituency, 7 independent, and 5 first-year Senators. 

2024 Election Results

Executive Candidates

*Bolded names indicate elected candidates

Addison Eckard/Brenda Ramirez108053.59%Yes
JB Bartlett/Noah LeFevre93546.40%No


Affiliated Senate Candidates

Per the USG Elections Code, 26 senate seats may be filled by senators running on an affiliation. As such, the top 26 candidates will be elected into senate.

*Bolded names indicate elected candidates

Thomas KnudsenTrust UIowa38719%
Will SheeleyTrust UIowa33417%
Anushka GuptaElevate32116%
Ava MartinezElevate31916%
Madison RossElevate31115%
Delaney BehningTrust UIowa29315%
Anna O'ConnorElevate27714%
Charlotte BrinkElevate27614%
Matt LancasterTrust UIowa27514%
Gabrielle MichalskiTrust UIowa26713%
Mae BarronElevate26713%
Emma GaughmanElevate26513%
Advika ShahTrust UIowa26213%
Alexis DvorakUnite UIowa24812%
Avery DettbarnUnite UIowa24412%
Jack CarrellTrust UIowa24012%
Anna AminTrust UIowa23812%
Joshua StuderElevate23612%
Jake WicksTrust UIowa23512%
Joe DunlayUnite UIowa22311%
Emily CrossUnite UIowa21110%
John PopeTrust UIowa19410%
Matthew LombardoUnite UIowa1919%
Drake RiddleIan Dunleavy and Drake Riddle1256%
Ian DunleavyIan Dunleavy and Drake Riddle1256%


Independent Senate Candidates

Per the USG Elections Code, 7 seats will be reserved for senators who run independently. Any unfilled independent spots will be filled by the Internal Affairs Committee during the Fall Nominations process.

*Bolded names indicate elected candidates

Candidate PartyCountPercentage 
Cole Nelson20710%
Quinn Eldridge1889%
Harrid (Harry) Siraj1769%
Lucas Manley1769%
Brooke Paasch1658%
Jesus Vega Jr.1658%
Saraswati Quevedo-Valls1658%
DeAndre Steger1206%
Joseph Woitach955%


Constituency Senator Candidates

There are 7 elected constituency senators. The remaining 5 are appointed by specific campus organizations. In the 2023 election, 826 people participated in the election.

Students who choose to vote for constituency senators are given the option to vote for any number of the positions below. As such, the below percentages reflect the number of votes received deducted from the overall students (826) who voted for any of the constituency senators.

*Bolded names indicate elected senators

Constituency SenatorCandidateCountPercentage
LGBTQ+ Estella Ruhrer-Johnson122861%
Disability Natalie Kehrli 131365%
BlackIjeoma Ogbonna61530.5%
 James McCurtis III41620.6%
Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Constituency SenatorAmirithia Kumar128364%
LatineCielo Herrera 130765%

Elections Violations