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Student Activity Fee
Each year, all undergraduate and graduate students pay a $79 Student Activity Fee. The University of Iowa Undergraduate Student Government and the Graduate and Professional Student Government are responsible for allocating this pool of money.
The Student Activity Fee is partly allocated to contracted organizations and Sponsored Student Organizations (SSOs). Contracted organizations are institutionalized services offered to students. Examples include the Food Pantry, the Rape Victim Advocacy Program (RVAP), and Student Legal Services. SSOs are groups with significant, wide-reaching campus impact and typically provide a service to students. Examples include the student radio station KRUI, Student Video Productions, and SCOPE.
After Campus Life Programs are funded, USG funds internal executive, legislative, judicial, and stipend budgets. The Student Activity Fee is then split proportionately between USG and GPSG (Graduate and Professional Student Government) based on total enrollment of undergraduate vs graduate and professional students.
USG uses this money to fund student organizations, student services, and campus initiatives. The USG Finance Team allocates these funds to undergraduate groups and ensures student organizations are supported in their financial endeavors.
All unused Student Activity Fee money is put into a reserve account. USG is required to keep a reserve balance of between $60,000 and $120,000, and the purpose of this account is to have money set aside for financial emergencies.