ORG TIP$ Partnership with Late Night Programming events:
Undergraduate Student Government and Late Night Programs have partnered to provide additional well-being and harm reduction options for student organizations through the Org TIP$ incentive program. These trainings provide a leadership development lens to harm reduction topics. Student organizations can receive up to $300 by participating in up to three different categories of programming. All trainings will be conducted via Zoom, and led by Student Involvement Ambassadors and our campus partners. The first set of trainings, their dates and times, and their accompanying zoom links are listed below:
- Tuesday, September 15th 3pm “Healthy Leadership: Communication and Conflict Management”
- Tuesday, September 15th 7pm “Healthy Leadership: Communication and Conflict Management”
- Thursday September 17th 3pm “Healthy Leadership: Alcohol Use, Hazing, and Your Organization”
- Thursday, September 17th 7pm “Healthy Leadership: Alcohol Use, Hazing, and Your Organization”
- Wednesday, September 30th, 3pm- Sexual Health (partnership with UI Student Wellness)
- Tuesday, October 20th, 3pm AND 7pm- Mental Health: Adapting to COVID, a Student Perspective (partnership with Pride House)
- Wednesday, October 21st, 3pm AND 7pm- Diversity in Mental Health (partnership with Pride House).
- Tuesday, November 10th 3pm AND Wednesday, November 11th 7pm - Mindfulness
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For more information about ORG TIP$, please visit our ORG TIP$ page!