Saturday, April 25th 8:30pm IMU 2nd Floor Ballroom
This event will include complimentary food, entertainment, and a dance party to follow!
DRESS CODE: Formal attire or Traditional Clothing
What is the Multicultural Formal?
The Multicultural Formal is a collaborative effort which aims to promote diversity through a large-scale formal event between all student organizations on campus. Our goal through this event is to build stronger relationships between student organizations and provide the opportunity for students to network with one another for future collaborations. Through this diversity initiative, we hope to create an inclusive multicultural community for all. We encourage all students to attend this formal.
Sponsored by:
Asian American Coalition (AAC), Associated Residence Halls (ARH), Association of Latinos Moving Ahead (ALMA), Black Student Union (BSU), Center for Student Involvement and Leadership Grant Funding Program (CSIL), Java House, Multicultural Business Student Association (MBSA), Organization for the Active Support of International Students (OASIS), Pi Alpha Phi, Society of Asian Scientists & Engineers (SASE), Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), The University of Iowa Student Government (UISG), Vietnamese Student Association (VSA), & Walk It Out