Frequently asked questions
How do I attend or speak at a Senate meeting?
USG has public Senate meetings every Tuesday from 7 PM - 10 PM in the IMU’s Black Box Theater during the year. We encourage you to attend our meetings!
Are you an undergraduate student interested in speaking during public access about upcoming legislation, an idea, or concerns you have? Contact us to speak at an event.
How do I join USG?
Running for an election is one of the ways to get involved in USG. Learn more about election timelines and view our open positions.
I have an idea about how to improve campus
Add your idea to HawkIdeas. If your idea receives 100 upvotes, you will receive an official response from UISG leadership. Additionally, if an idea gets 2400 upvotes, the original author of the idea will be contacted to see if they would like to have the idea become a formal petition, to be voted on by the student body during the following UISG Election.
I have a question about finance and funding
The Director of Finance is more than willing to be of assistance to you and your organization. Please reach out with questions, concerns, or suggestions about the USG funding process.

Learn how to apply for funding for your student organization.

Are you are interested in running for student government?
Student Services